Sunshine NamakParay

Sunshine NamakParay

Serves 4
Hands-on time 40 min
Oven time 50-55 min

With the fact that Elephant Atta Medium with Vitamin D atta is not like all-purpose flour, it offers nice texture on namakparay, and relatively easy to digest. This Medium Atta is enriched with Vitamin D, which is favourable for good bones teeth and immune system.

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Ingredients For Sunshine NamakParay

  • 50 grams Medium Atta with Vit-D
  • 1/2 Tsp salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Carom seeds
  • 1 Tbsp Oil

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Method to make the Sunshine NamakParay

01. Knead the dough by mixing all ingredients using warm water. Roll the dough, and cut various shapes of namakparay from the rolled dough. I used cookie cutter. Place these namakparay in air fryer on 180 degrees for 20 mins.

02. Check if done by biting one, these namakparay should feel crispy.

03. Sprinkle some Chaat masala and your munchies are ready. Keep in air tight container, and these should have shelf life of 10 days.

04. In case you do not have air fryer, can use oven too. Keep heat to 180Deg for 20mins.

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