Elephant Atta’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations — 50 Years Legacy

50 years of legacy - Elephant Atta

Elephant Atta launched its “50 Years Legacy” campaign right before Mother’s Day and celebrated its Golden Jubilee at London’s Hilton Hyde Park Hotel launching  “50 Years Legacy” advert on national TV.

This advert takes the viewers through the various stages of making chapatti, highlighting the beautiful key mother-and-child moments of seven different families in the different stages of growing up and how Elephant Atta has played a role in these South Asian families, reinforcing the brand’s relevance with our consumers for the past 50 years. The ad comes with one of the most memorable jingles in Hindi of this time that touches many hearts, supporting the fact that the iconic chapattis are the cornerstone of the traditional South Asian diets and are enjoyed by thousands of UK South Asian families. The tradition of making chapattis is passed from generation to generation in South Asian cultures, and Elephant Atta honours this tradition, further committed to taking care of the health, nutrition and well-being of the families together with mothers.


Elephant Atta 50 years of legacy